Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why ya gotta be like that TSG? Why???

Now, as we all can assume correctly that when it comes to technology, I'm pretty much useless. I hate it, it hates me, that's how we roll. I can barely turn a computer on, let alone plug it in. Thus, when I call our technology department at work with a problem or question, they normally do everything for me. This is how it's been for the past three years.

Recently, I was promoted, and in being so had to change many things about my computer. I had to order different programs (well, technically our office assistant did it for me...) and then get them set up. One of these programs is called a VPN, and this will allow me to access WaMu's internet network (or whatever the hell it is) from home. This, in turn, will give me the freedom and access to work from home if I become overwhelmed at work. Which would be amazing.

So yesterday I call the TSG department, or Technology Service Group or whatever they stand for so that I can have the access I need to work from home. I basically need to set up the VPN thingy that I recently obtained. So I call and talk to Sally (Read: Panamajarana), and she tells me that I need to call fom home to get everything set up. Fine. So I go home yesterday evening and call again from my house, and this time I get Bob (Read: Taj). So Bob tells me that I need to get my wireless card before I can do anything else. "Well what the hell's a wireless card?" I ask myself. Oh, wait, I know! It's something that you plug into your computer! I can handle that! So thinking that what "Bob" tells me makes sense, I give up and plan to call them when I get my wireless card.

So today I get my wireless internet card in the mail! "Hurray!" I think to myself, believing this nightmare of a computer set-up will soon be over. Far from it. I set up my wireless card according to directions, without even calling TSG (!) and everything's great. So I get home and plan on boarding this great loan and think about how everything's going to be swell when I get online from here. Not really... I call TSG because I can't connect to the network. "Oh yeah! I remember. I need to call to get my VPN set up." So I call. And talk to Meg (Read: I could barely hear her, so I can't come up with a good name, sorry peoples). And Meg tells me that I need to be connected to the network to have my VPN set up. At this point, I'm kind of deflating like a balloon, and I'm starting to get irritated. Why would they tell me to call from home, then tell me that I need to call when I'm connected at work. FINE.

So tomorrow I have to call when I'm connected to the network. And if it doesn't work, I might just have to take a flight out to Bangladesh.

Monday, February 4, 2008


So I set up this blog about two weeks ago, and I'm just now getting to blog. Pathetic.

Anyhow, here are my topics of discussion:

1. Myspace
2. Washington Mutual's Technology Department
3. Chinatown
4. the Red Lego Suitcase

Honestly people, I'm over it. Myspace is so 2005, and I want to live in the now. So, I deleted my Myspace account. It's all fun and good if you're 13 and "like, totally want to mystalk this super cute guy with the bleached blonde hair and the blue eyes that's holding the really really really really really really really really really really really really cute puppy that I met at the mall last Friday night while we were waiting in line for tickets to the Hannah Montanna concert movie thing". Now, anything having to do with Myspace really irritates me. Sorry Tom, but your time has come. Now it's time to move on with your life, and perhaps create a dating website much like or eharmony or whatever it is. I think you'd be good at that.

WaMu Technology People.
Dear TSG,
I hate you. You are slow, you are rude, and most of the time I can't understand what the hell you're saying because you don't speak into the phone. That causes a lot of frustration, especially because I'm already mostly deaf.
Also, in this day and age, why can't you be updated sooner? If you receive notice that a person's job is changing, why can't you update the system before the change so that they don't have to spend two hours with you on a Saturday being placed on hold, hung up on, placed back on hold, hung up on again, placed on hold for seventeen minutes (yes, I counted), then ultimately told that you can't do anything to help them even though it would take about thirty seconds to fix the problem?
Now, if it was just one time that you disappointed me, that would be a different subject altogether. But no, TSG, that is not the case. On the whole, you are awful. It is an inconvenience to get ahold of you, a bigger inconvenience once I do, and just a basic pain in the ass to get ONE thing accomplished with you.
My wish for 2008 is that you become user friendly. I would say more user friendly, but that would imply that there's something there to work with, which there clearly isn't. Either that, or you disappear completely.
The next time I call, do NOT place me on hold for seventeen minutes.
And another thing, stop lying to me and telling me your name is either Sam or Sally. Clearly, it's not. Even if I can't pronounce your name correctly,, it's very patronizing to me to hear you say in a VERY thick accent, "thank you for calling Washington Mutual's Technology Service Department, this is Bob, how can I help you?" YOUR NAME IS NOT BOB FOR PETE'S SAKE!
That is all for now,

Holy cow this place is intense. It's one thing to go from the Home Loan Center in downtown back to a branch, but I'm in the International District inside the Uwajimaya. This branch is crazy. It's so busy, and has like five tellers. Oh, and it's an instore. Why do you need FIVE tellers in an instore? is what most people would thing. But that's the thing, they actually need more tellers than that because they're SO busy. Even now I'm looking out the doore and seeing like, twelve people in a single-file line! WOWZERS!!! It's intense people, it's intense. But it's also a lot of fun! I never thought I'd be missing the branch, but I'm actually glad to be back here! It's awesome, someone tries to come up to me and say, "hello, i'd like to open an account" and I get to direct them to someone else! I LOVE it! I'm pretty glad I'm a BLC.

The Red Lego Suitcase.
So I was driving throught Downtown on Friday, and I saw this guy carrying a red Lego Suitcase. What it is is this plastic suitcase with two snaps that is bring red. Inside? A plethora of Lego pieces for your fun and entertainment. And if you were me, lunch. I had a Freudian complex and couldn't keep the pieces out of my mouth... Anyways, as soon as I saw this wonder, I was hit with a HUGE wave of nostalgia, because peoples, I had the same suitcase. It was like a blast from the past seeing it. This caused me to wonder what exactly happened to my red Lego suitcase. After further inquisition to my mother, it appears that this wonderful toy of goodness disappeared from my house around the same time my brother was shipped off to summer camp at Camp Don Bosco. So this is my theory: The stupid camp people at the stupid CYO (Catholic Youth Organization: yes people, my brother and I went to Catholic camp; different than Church camp, but just as political) camp confiscated the beautiful toy and used the pieces to create some sort of force field wall around the camp so that the unfortunate that were trapped inside (such as myself and Patrick) had little chance for escape. I don't think you understand people, this delightful red suitcase had a never-ending bottom. It was ALWAYS full, no matter how many things you built with the pieces stored inside it. It truly was Christlike...

Thus concludes my pondering pontifications for the day. Thank you for your time.